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Mission Statement:


To bridge the gap between childhood and adolescence by providing support, guidance, mentoring, and tools to enhance life and athletic skills to at-risk young men ages 12-18 in our community. To focus and to engage with youth in a meaningful and lasting way as they enter middle and high school, the times when young people face a myriad of choices that will impact the direction they choose as they embark on adulthood.

Goals: To provide one-to-one mentors to students to address issues such as:


  • Improve School Attendance and Academic performance

  • Emphasis on Homework completion

  • Promote positive behaviors

  • Develop Positive attitudes toward school/learning

  • Involvement in asset building activities

  • Improve Conflict management/problem solving skills


  • Increased middle school and high school graduation rates

  • Lower high school dropout rates

  • Better school attendance

  • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices

  • Better attitude about school

  • Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations

  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Improved behavior, both at home and at school

  • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers

  • Improved interpersonal skills

  • Decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol use

Program Format:

Each student will work with a group of dedicated Omega brothers who will help uplift him to be a better man.  The group will meet monthly from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Each monthly session is designed to the specific needs of the students and includes the essentials of why our participants must value education as well as sharing some of the outcomes/consequences of choosing the wrong path.  The program will start in August 2018 to coincide with the 2018-19 academic school year. We will work with students who have exhibited academic/emotional deficiencies, or lack positive male connections. Ideally, we will work with students who want to better themselves, their environments, or those who just need positive role models.

Student Eligibility:

  • Truant students (or those with poor school attendance)

  • A willingness to participate in the program

  • Those living in group homes, with grandparents, or with other caregivers

  • Students who lack of adult support and guidance outside of school

  • Homeless students

  • Students with incarcerated parents

  • Those needing behavioral, social and/or academic support

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